Virt Goods – Microtransaction Responsibility Pledge
First & foremost I want to be moral and have the game last a very long time. I want to be ingenuous and earn your trust, for I believe hard work and love triumphs over greed and slapdash design you find in video game corporations. This link shows my asking the community how to do this, and the community responded well:
Here was my post:
I recently went F2P on Starfighter General on Steam to get more users to load test networking. Now I realize steam doesn’t let you go back to paid. So what are some ethical ways I can sell things in order to make any money at all from this game?
Right now, it has a Clash of Clans meets Xwing vs Tiefighter mode, which is only somewhat tied into the MMORPG portion, but being powerful in that helps a little. This was suggested from my friend to do, but I never liked Clash Pay 2 Win model, and want to distance myself from it as I make the MMORPG.
I’ve always been opposed to microtransactions since Dark Age of Camelot sneakily introduced em by having an ebay seller in their company selling infinite gold on any server, while if anyone else tried to list they got banned. It feels like microtransactions have a seedy past, and actually makes game play terrible from a game design perspective. So I am welcoming community suggestions.
I’m trying to get a MOBA out soon. It is a space dungeon, or arbitrary rules for competition in a certain zone within the MMORPG. Examples are FFA,team vs team, kill the king team vs team like chess, Highlander FFA, PVE, PV asteroids, MOBAs of various types. The idea is that if you win one of these, you get a daily reward. If you win it multiple times there are diminishing returns to incentives doing other MMO zones and space dungeons. Once every so often, a space dungeon will become empowered, and the rewards become much more significant. This should attract players to want to do MMO stuff until they find random clues to the next empowered space dungeon. Then a lot of the server will duke it out for a good prize, resume mmo, find next space dungeon, repeat. By cycling through space dungeons of different rulesets, one player or team might not just crush his opposition over and over.
So in this MOBA (first space dungeon), I was thinking of allowing you to pay 5 triderium aka about 25 cents (and you get some free every day with a triderium reactor in base), to be able to make it so if you blow up enemy players, they respawn with a funny “shame skin” like a banana ship skin or Scooty Puff Jr like from Futurama or something(does not affect game play, just visuals). This was my friends idea, but since I have no ideas how to microtransaction correctly, it probably goes in. Skin themes may be the non P2W way to go. Maybe allow you to buy skins for minions, towers and nexus?
Other than paying for skins, what are some good ways of using Microtransactions? I ask, because though I have 150,000 hours experience gaming, design and coding personally… I am really adverse to microtransactions. They don’t sit well with me. Maybe I just never thought how I could do em right. Any ideas bros and sistas?
Love is da way, CrazyJim
Thank you and God bless. Lets go to Space and then when we die, may Jesus keep us in Heaven and Beyond longer than the stars in this universe last.
Love is da way ,GoodNewsJim
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