Starfighter General is revolutionary as an action MMORPG with techs not seen before in any video game, and creative stories and interaction not restricted by modern focus groups, corporate sponsors, political entities, etc. Look back, you’ll see the best movies of all time were back in the 80s/90s and earlier because the whole political nonsense invaded movies, TV, music in 1998 which we now know as toxic counter culture. I feel bad for this generation who’ve been fed terrible media. It isn’t the kid’s fault. It’s jerks feeding em unentertaining political drivel. At least you’re smart enough to be playing video games. Maybe this means you’re smart enough not to watch the trash on tv and movies today. I stopped watching TV and movies back in 2003. Well in this game, you can star IN a movie. And then take your star character to social media if you want, I don’t mind, maybe you can make some bucks or meet some friends or dates that way, heh.
Starfighter General Action MMORPG has many revolutionary techs of the caliber that many are in disbelief! Yes, I render 10x-1000x as many objects and scripts because of unlocking all your computer’s CPU CORES as no video game has done before. Yes, the networking speed is 1/2 the latency, and can have infinite action players in the same zone. In fact, we haven’t seen a real action MMORPG with trading since Asheron’s Call 1 came out in 1999. So just bringing back the Action MMO genre is revolutionary. Heck, how many games won’t let you chat or trade anymore? As long as scammers and hackers aren’t a problem, I won’t mind if you buy and trade stuff in game to people outside game. And there is so many more techs… You can read about em in the Hi-Tec link in header. We’re also doing responsible microtransactions, not heavy in Pay to Win, no subscriptions, no paying to unlock more stash space, no paying to get a higher rank, no paying for DLC. You can also read about that in the header: Shop.
When you think out on games you wish you got in on early, which games do you think of? Do you think of World of Warcraft in its early days when it was still challenging and fun? Do you think of Magic the Gathering, wishing you got addicted to that instead of maybe 90s baseball cards. Black Lotuses sell for more than houses now. Not even game related, many people have crypto currency regret like not buying Bitcoin when it first came out. We all have some regret for not getting in on the ground floor of some game, stock or crypto. We look back and go,”Man! I knew that was going to be big, but for some reason I was caught up in doing other things and because I was busy, I didn’t want to be involved.” That said… Let me introduce to you something far more great than all of those to a true soul gamer, the ability for your video game persona, the character you’ve role played in games for years to be the first video game characters in an anime movie released in US Theaters/Netflix/Online!
Don’t miss out on this. Don’t have regret. And speed the development by buying: The Starfighter General Founders Medallions: