So moba, MMO. MMO has lots of interesting never before seen techs coming:
1) As we said before, one of the first of the future games to unlock all cores: 10x-1000x peformance.
2) Networking that brakes all the rules. People legit don’t believe me, but I had it working in 2004, but needed to be direct ip played without routers.
3) Based on my old PNP RPG that everyone who played it liked it better than D&D by a bit.
4) First MMO designed for late game.
5) Easter eggs… Literally. You find em, hide em anywhere in the universe. Each will give different daily reward as you log on… Better rewards the longer they are hidden. If someone sees it, they can grab it and get a up front reward right there, but it resets your daily. Pick good places to hide!
6) Space dungeons – Competitive zones with different rule sets, rewards winner… Once every 30 min – 1 hr, a zone is super charged with rewards, but you need to find clues to find it.
7) Resource trading like elite. Player vs player trading, no bind one equip, nothing off table unless abuses start happening. Frankly I don’t care if you buy stuff offline either. Please sell on ebay and get bitcoin rich playing my game. I’m not so greedy for microtransactions like corps to restrict you from that. The security I have 2 factor auth before major trades or character deletions etc, you can manage it too.
8) PVP bounty system. Everyone can PVP at all times. Stakes are low if your ship explodes. If you get attacked without declaring aggressive mode or an opponent to duel, the aggressor gets a bounty on their head in accordance with the damage dealt to you. If this bounty gets high enough, and they get caught, they will be put in jail. When they log on for the next few hours or days, their character can play only in jail, and visitors come see him and such. Global chat disabled.
9) Grand Space Opera-> 4x emperors around you trying to conquer the galaxy like Master of Orion on a 500 billionish system scale! They ain’t even players at first, just NPCs waging war. Who’s side will you choose? Will it be based on morality or space bucks? Ok Han Solo, what it will be? Do it for the money, until you realize money doesn’t mean anything living under a totalitarian empire.
10) Of course, live game masters in about 6-12 months after the content updates roll through. We bias people with Founder’s RP tokens some and good manner role players who stay in character(we have chat logs and even game logs). This promotes good role play even when not live GMing. Who doesn’t want to bring their friends to a movie and surprise em with their own character in the movie? So stay in character for a better game! No video game in the history of mankind do I know that let your character be in a movie.
Is Game Master driven movie making the future? Anyone who’s RPGed know the scripts are funny and entertaining like no other. Be a part of the future and a apocolypic cyperpunk moviestar.
Read more about Hi-Tecs:
Play Starfighter General in current state(pre mmo at 10/19/2021):