Firstly The Omnipotent Role Play Boundaries:
- Nothing overtly sexual: Talking about sex around strangers weirds many people out. To have an environment of wholesome role play for kids and actual adults alike, we ain’t allowing people to role play pervos.
- Glorification of real evil and hate: This one blurs lines a bit because it is fine to role play a bad guy like Dr. Evil from Austin Powers. We encourage you to be jerks as pirates and jerks like the joker and jerks like Dank Meme Trolls. Not everyone has to be a goodly lil two shoes, shoot you in the face bounty hunter for the cause of goodness and profit. Yet, if you start spewing racism, sexism, ageism or just plain mean it when you’re being mean, you don’t do that. Never never. We all want to have fun. And it works for everyone’s spirit and enjoyment better when we’re joking, laughing, and staying in character, not letting our inner rage child out.
- While there will be contraband substance such as drugs in the game, we don’t want you guys promoting this type of poison to our brothers and sisters of real life humanity. Remember our friend Jules once taught a lesson about poisoning our brothers and sisters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRE23YfSvc8#t=2m
Anyway have fun in game, knowing fictional characters don’t get hurt by your words or actions. But do not hurt people in real life by your words and actions or you’re not just destroying them, you’re destroying yourself.
Proverbs 12:18 Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.
Nextly Microtransaction Respect of Players Pledge:
From: https://old.reddit.com/r/MMORPG/comments/plqah8/hello_im_trying_to_release_a_mmorpg_in_2_weeks_or/
I want to respect your wallet. Not everyone has unlimited money. When you play our game without money, we love you still because, I love all of humanity. Jesus is cool like that. We should be working just to help everyone else out, not just to get stuff ourselves. Like ol assassinated JFK said,”Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” If we all love each other, and work for each other, we solve the problem that plagues all economic systems: Greed. So, peace, love and video games is the goal. Money ain’t anything, but something to get by and help others with. I mean besides if you want to get down to stuff marketdroids care about, free players add to the community and role play atmosphere, increasing the experience for paying customers. Just enjoy, and never feel obliged to drop me fundages unless you’re doing well off and are stoked, enjoying yourself.
To this extent of not wanting to pry your wallet open, we’re doing the following measures:
- You won’t try to pry your wallet open. No required transactions for the full game experience except minimal server maintenance.
- No ammo or consumable power boosters for sale: The epitome of pay to win is putting a couple bucks in for an insta win gun to shoot better. We will be allowing people to do tip jar style powerups for every player in the entire zone in certain zones and places. It will announce the player who kept it going, so it shows who is sponsoring the game and helping you out. Good guy stuff all around.
- We want to charge less for the monthly fee. The old model of MMORPG was like 15$ a month. We don’t want to do that(adjusting for inflation). If you never want to pay, we still want you to be able to play. Money is stupid, love and fun is awesome! We may open with a 5$ a month sub to see if can stay above water, but we want to make it free for all, ultimately if we can.
- No level, gold, money, credit, talents restricted from leveling up unless you pay. I’ve played games that said they were free, but if I wanted to get my third gold, I had to pay them. Nah, that ain’t happening here.
- Minimizing/Mitigating pay to win effects: Us Starfighter General devs trapped ourselves into some pay to win with the (Clash) base building component, but a person who manages his base actively will get much more ahead than someone who goes to work for those hours and drops a couple bucks to catch up with the cool guy try hards. We will do many other things to keep pay to win to the minimum like allowing pay to win objects and ships to be perma destroyed n such, so it’d be like a fling with money but not hurt the game play. Our general philosophy will always be to make sure active players do a lil bit better than the 9 to 5ers who drop money to catch up since they had to work half the day. We respect both non stop players and those who want to play non stop, but have a secret identity where they do the much harder battle as office ninjas.
- No pressure sales tactics.
- No charging RL $$ for new content. Paid DLC and hidden paid DLC is the worst. We’re not the evil empire you’ve seen before.
- We might get overloaded with players before the game’s network scales. In this case, obviously the players who get to the front of the queue are the ones who paid the most. This helps get more network engineers scaling it for everyone’s benefit long run.
- A complete philosophy of not abusing the player’s wallet will be enforced. Come play, enjoy and never fear the game will go bad and power creep or other exploitative practices.
- I miss anything? Leave a comment if you want the Bill of Rights for responsible Microtransactions Pledge expanded.
I am a soul gamer from the 1980s arcade generation where were positive to our fellow gamers! The online rage gamer aka hate gamers starting with the SNES XBAND and continuing to modern day think they’re funny, but they’re not. Rage gamers just promote hate and jealousy. This is real hate, the kind of hate that burns in your heart and burns your fellow man and then harm and more hate follow til pain and suffering abounds in humanity. We can’t let that continue. We can’t let corporations abuse you and your wallets as you have an unfun experience. This is why my funk soul brethren and funk soul sisters we must do better for the cause of love. Stoke the flames of love. Quench the fires of hate, and we all triumph in this life and the next.