Hockey, rite? Fun, rite? Yeah, rite? But could it be more funninated? That’s what the NHL Commission of said in 2047 after five years of attendance growth not meeting expectations. There was so much anticipation of profits by permitting any and all performance enhancing drugs in 2042, but this only helped raise attendance slightly faster than normal growth margins.

2047, entered David Betterman CEO and rebrander of Hockey to Bladeskate. “The crowds are speaking! We need to bring this back to old time hockey!” he drew thunderous applause. “We need more violence”, and some of the players were looking around nervously while the rest jacked up on PED kept applauding louder. “And not just that lame violence they had in the 70s back when they had penalties for stuff. That’s not old time enough violence. Lets go back to the Colosseum days! But… a Colosseum of the future!” Some hands raised, but the CEO raised both of his and lowered them saying,”Questions will be taken after the meeting is over and I have left. No goals anymore, just which team can knock out the other one first. Goalies will still remain, but they’re heavily armored but cannot leave their half of the zone. The puck is replaced with a glowing plasma ball which can be used for tactical purposes.”

And so it began, despite protests of some players, they were contractually obligated to engage in this new and twisted type of blood sport. Some players were very happy, they now got a significant raise. Others were not so happy because they were already rich beyond their wildest dreams so money was no object, but pain was… Once the ball got rolling, attendance was so high, no one kept watching most other sports, and there was no stopping this change. Bladeskate was here to stay. The names changed, quite often in the same team in the same season, but the game stayed true as it always has been: Men vs Men vs ‘Things Resembling Men’ struggling to survive in a heated war on ice.

Blade skate in the Intergalactic Bounty Hunter Universe, in Starfighter General once the FPS component of the MMO comes out, soon after the space MMO is mostly finalized in early October, so hopin to play in Spring 2023. Of course, leveling up your base and gear now will get you a head start to smuggle in some good weaponry and intimidate the refs so they don’t bother you.