You’ve seen his bill boards. Cat’s Veasel.
You’ve heard him speak, “Surprise, there is no surprise. Ferrets always steal. In fact they’re honest about stealing. We steal, you know we steal, so expect it. You gotta watch out for the ones who try and act like they don’t steal, but steal.” -Cats Veasel
“The way to destruction is through opposing me. You’ll have no chance to survive. Ha ha ha.” -Cats Veasel
Yet, we see his incompetency:

We have photos of this ruler in more compromising issues of buffoonery than this. And many of them are not digitally altered. If he did not have complete power over Sector Venus, he would lose support of the people and denizens.
How could a ferret of limited capacities be ruling with such ineptitude? There is speak in the shadowy places assumed hidden from his surveillance deep in the cavernous Venusian under cities that he is but a figurehead. Who can trust such rumors tho, and who can repeat them, for one does not want to incur this cute weasels’ ugly wrath!
Venus was such a great Utopia many years ago, back before some remember, but there is no hiding history from the universal data stores. Why would a Utopia be destroyed what appears deliberately in order to set up a system of scarcity? What motive could a man, woman, alien, denizen or even ferret have for destroying a place with no scarcity in order to have people fight and steal for resources… Oh yeah, forgot, he’s a weasel. He likes it better this way. Maybe he did do it…