This is a game idea I will not use: “Dawn of Darkness”
If you use this idea, maybe help a broke dude out. I’ve helped Westwood, Blizzard and more, and they never helped back.
Game idea: It spawns a procedurally generated open world like GTA or Last of Us.
There’s a mad scientist, and he awakens dark evils that start having dark overcome light. Like first the sun shines less and less. Then it is never day. You need to non stop have supplies to keep lights up or be “Eaten by a Grue”, aka lack of light has punk enemies attack you. But it gets worse. As time goes on, deep darkness arises, that even flashlights cannot penetrate, at which time the enemies are even more horrific and very tall like colossus from Protoss Starcraft2.
You can win, but you need to track down a few locations, and end the vortex. The game plays like Groundhog day though til you have a perfect ending… And there are non perfect endings that are psychologically disturbing. For instance, if you know WHO causes the nether portal to open, you can just straight up go to his house and kill him in his sleep before he even thinks of doing such an evil. The ending to that will be you winding up in jail or insane asylum ranting how you saved the world. Then it will be a very long ending, watching you rot and die. Then when you awake, its the same random seed level to do over again. Another disturbing one is that you get blamed for the whole thing after stopping the mad scientist because some how he pins it on you cuz he knows he did it.
So you have roguelike apocalypse horror/survival.
But you also have a win condition.
And partial completion clues helps you win the replays.
PS: Good game dev today of Starfighter General