League of Legends is pretty much a trash game run by a trash company, but the only one with a tournament scene, so I’m playing it.
Things wrong with League: #1: It does not matchmake fair, it sets people to lose on purpose due to EA papers on psychology to get people to buy more virt goods. They say it is due to “Behavioral based match making” that all the bad people get clumped together to lose on purpose… But this is just CCP social credit and it doesn’t work. Not everyone deemed bad by algorithm are bad. It’s known as algorithmic damnation and is terrible. Read more here: www.crystalfighter.com/x.html RIOT tells its employees to lie about this patent even existing. Everywhere I post about loser’s Q on social media sites that RIOT/Tencent have part of, I get censored. That post was censored too, but I salvaged it by web scraping.
Things wrong with League: #2: Power creep. RIOT wants money now, so they rarely nerf, just buff, so the game gets more and more unstable and unbalance… This leads to design restrictions like lowering number of items available last season. They’re going to make it more and more basic with the excuse of it being a casual game soon enough because the game design is already out of hand, and power creep makes it worse and worse to balance.
I have made pro builds before, but they just come and go. I’m gonna start recording in this blog my ideas.
1/20/22 with Buffed Senna slow on q, you can get approach velocity, fleet footwork and be faster than every champion in combat range. I’ll open on hit speed ups like Black Cleaver, Wits End, Eclipse and lots of big tanky things like Titanic and locket. Should be abusive.
I created the last two popular pro senna builds, like guinsu/Crack Kitten Slayer, and Grasp/Black Cleaver. I’ll link em later. Just opening this blog.
Today on Starfighter General, gonna putz at finishing MOBA, no stress and I’ll do more. I still have adrenal fatigue.