Check out a space ship moba in dots almost done, with research level networking being finalized in:
They follow way points, target acquire, see damage on hit, have hit points, all that GameObject stuff. About 3-4 years ago when I first made Starfighter General, it was a functional 10 player vs 10 player space moba, as you see.
It took me 2 weeks, and I only used Unity once before to do the Rollaball tutorial. The whole idea of a moba came from 2d starfighter tutorial SHMUP, but I added a 3rd dimension and everything was easy… Except Unity fees for keeping a multiplayer server is insane, and no one wanted to beta test… Yet the game was fun.
Instructions: Blow up enemy drones, collect scrap.
Scrap can buy upgrades at base.
Collect allied drone scrap to deny their pick up and buy.
If you explode before you come back to base, you lose all your scrap.
You can “recall” aka hyper space and be cancelled.
Destroyers are like towers, safe to shoot when drones park near by shooting. Otherwise they do a lot of damage to you and even the best evasive maneuvers are barely worth doing to put damage down.
The game plays like League of Legends meets Xwing vs Tiefighter in space. Yes, Xwing in space! (just making fun of my grammar mistake). Anyway, I always wanted play testers for my moba so I kept trying to make a game to attract core players… Maybe this MMORPG engine will work.
The MOBA right now will just test the MMORPG networking and game play.
Coming soon. Play now for free free: