In Asheron’s Call players were encouraged to help new players. If a new player got stuff and tips they could give allegiance. And as the new player earned exp, it helped the veteran. We’ll have that in Starfighter General, but take it to a new level.
For instance, you can forge items with a Spirit Link. Anyone who uses this item starts to gain hidden spirit affinity to your player ( what this means, I will not say at this time), but as they get experience with the item, so will you. You can forge light affinity or dark affinity. Light affinity does not cost the item wielder experience when they funnel to you. Dark affinity does tax the wielder of the item experience, but you who forged the dark affinity item gain power at a faster rate. Light affinity spirit binding is freedom, dark affinity could cost more than just experience in the long run. Both spirit bindings can be shaken off over a long enough period and are not truly permanent, but may last a long time to fully be rid of.
There will be players who seek power by gaining cash, credit or crypto(in game only). There will be players who seek power by friends and allies. There will be players who seek power by making lots of items and hoping people use em with a spirit bond, with those forging dark affinity items seeking to con others. There will be people who seek power by gaining lots of skills, talents, attributes, items and maybe super powers. There will be people who seek power by making a huge fleet. There are others who will pit the leaders (players and Npcs) against each other. There is more than one way to conquer the galaxy. Which ones will you choose? Or you the type of people who just wants to stop others from conquering the galaxy so you can have peace. Normally only a few people stand between you and the way of peace, and this is why the galaxy is in turmoil.
PS: Starfighter General has music in.
PSS: Two blog entries in a row with Full Metal Jacket references, not even tryin.