Yogi Berra has a quote,”When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It” This means not to ho hum over a decision you might have to change direction for now or for a while. In this case, it is a two day direction redirect. My aunt came down with Lymph Node cancer and still is stoic and walking, but she is the reason why I made Battlemon, So I want her to play it in parks before she can’t walk anymore. I only have about 1-2 day of dev and we can be making park adventures.
Battlemon was made to help a Make a Wish Kid be able to say he made video games. He’s my cuz and he manages with what he got cuz he’s awesome. Quite literally cooler than me or Lar. David is awesome and kicks butt. So it will be nice to play in the park with him too!
This has to be done, and won’t take much dev time out of Starfighter. I’m still trying to restore a proper project so…. I’m actually not losing much dev time at all, bouncing between both computers devving a MMORPG and a Pokemon Go competitor at the same time.