Anti-Social Medians is a game show where the right answer only gets 1/2 points.
The answer that gets the best crowd reaction gets full points.
Any answer that the crowd thinks sucks loses full points.
A right answer that sucks only loses 1/2 points.
A right answer that gets the crowds best reaction gets 2x points!
There are three contestants. There are two of average IQ, and one of exceptional IQ.
People can also answer questions in the crowd on mobile devices getting upvoted.
After a few rounds, the most 3 upvoted people in crowd can heckle a game contestant. If the crowd thinks its funny, they enter a battle of wits, and if the heckler gets crowd approval, takes the game contestant’s place.
There are rules for teaming vs the others by combining scores. They must both accept the team, but the prisoner dilemma is in effect. In the final round, they choose: Betray or Loyal. If either chooses Betray, the other is disqualified. If one chooses Betray and the other Loyal, the Betrayer gets the full prize pool if he wins. If they both choose loyal, they split the prize pool. Obviously as the rules state: Both betrays and they both lose, leaving the other to win even if a lower final score.
Examples from previous Anti-Social Median shows,”And the returning 4x champion who won 24,340$, 40,000 credits and has yet to answer a question right welcome back to the stage: Failrat!”
Tropes are where the smart guy tired of not making enough points to keep up with the popular jokers, tries being funny when answering his questions right and the crowd turns on him for he’s trying to force being cool and its lame to see.