A fairly early tech we want to have is to allow you to mount your acquired weapons and thrusters at weird angles on your ship if you wish. So you can shoot off the side with a plasma bolt launcher. Or say put a bunch of thrusters you seldom use to the one side of your ship for evasive maneuvers. I supposed painted emblems and such could be a thing too.
Right now, it’s been about 5 days that I can’t compile a Unity Standalone. Unity is a great game development IDE, but I haven’t seen any IDE in over 40 years be unable to compile a release version when it can compile a debug version. This is my main reason to post. I’m spending many hours on something I shouldn’t have to do.
UPDATE: OKAY! I figured out how to finally find how to get to a live build! The key is that if there is a crash, I will start binary searching my way to what caused the crash. This is to say, remove half the program, see if crash still there. Keep it up til crash isn’t there. Then add half of what is removed back. It will take probably a day or two, but we’ll do it. You can watch me figure this out as I video journaled it:
I try and vaguely be entertaining. I can’t turn it off. And you can learn some things about human nature, psychology and software engineering. It’s not a bad watch, but more of something to put on in the background like a chill podcast.