Everything about Starfighter General is designed for the long haul of decades of play. I don’t want you bored. Level caps? Boring. We don’t have em, instead logarithmic leveling curves that have diminishing returns of power at higher levels. A dedication to role play encouraged by the best role players get placed to live game masters = designed for end game content. I have many more things designed for end game. So let us discuss Starfighter General Easter Eggs.
In Starfighter General, an Easter Egg is a hidden item you find in game called an Easter Egg. There are various colors. shapes, sizes and designs. Each one gives you a reward when you find it and it goes in your inventory. At any place in the game, you can remove it from your inventory to “HIDE THE EASTER EGG”. At this point, every day that passes, you will get an ever increasing daily reward according to the type of Easter Egg that was dropped. The longer the egg stays hidden, the bigger your daily reward. Once someone finds the Easter Egg, they get rewarded immediately in proportion to how long it stayed hidden. What they get rewarded depends on the type.
I shared this idea with RIOT MMORPG game designers on Linkedin, as we shared that modern MMOS must be designed for end game. No one wants to grind their way to a brick wall of nothing to do. I always let people use my ideas for free and no compensation. I want games better for all, money is just a by product of making a good game.
Update on the Foundation Patch I finished last week: Unity has a problem where it can’t compile standalones very well. So I’m 8 days and over 40 hours into this… I’m making some progress, but not done.