Server down 6/10/22 12:06 PM EST, for Foundation patch going in. We might be down for as long as an hour, this is a big time patch on my side, but you won’t see much… Just a new combat mode.
You’ll be able to fight some destroyers, and drones, collect scrap, come back to the base outlined in a box fire and it collects the Ph@t L3vvT you found to your base perma. This is how the game is played in general from here on out. You can lose everything you send through the Dimensional Portal, but you keep everything you send back through it. There are limits on transfers that you can upgrade over time. Your Home Dimension is permanent progression, while the Dimensional Areas are basically gambling with your resources and fleets. It’s a risk/reward, but you’re always progressing.
Each patch coming every other day or week so will try and make the zones new, spicy. Some zones may never be playable again, but the stuff you gain from them is permanent. We have permanent progression as the world changes around you. It’s exciting. You never know what is new or in store. What anomalies will you see? Poke around and snoop out each emerging patch. We’ll get this game to a really engaging non stop play, but until then, it will be super fun, just to check changes for a few minutes and manage your base!
I got tripped up on a Unity Problem making a standalone:
or you’d have it now. I fix this tech we live.