Last night my car didn’t start, and I have no water at my place, so I kinda dehydrated through the night. The number of basic challenges to just survive life I experience would break your Bull-S*** meter just in two days… And it’s been happening for a year and a half. Still, I got character creation in yesterday. Mom is picking me up to get water today, but I’ll spend most the day mowing the lawn for her. I have to mow her place and my place. I have so much dumb stuff I have to do in order to just get some time coding. This is how it is when you don’t get a kick starter, no funding, and multiple catastrophes happen in a row in your life… Yet you do not give up, you fight on.
Today as I mow, I’m going to design the structure of proceedurally generated zones. It actually shouldn’t be tough. I might even bang out the first Foundation beta patch today of SFG. Since I have designed the patch/update journey to focus on your character staying the same, but the universe in flux, this is great! I can just massively patch like once a day if I can once this foundation is in.
That said, the Foundation beta will be probably unimpressive, just mining some iron from asteroids, and selling em, or bringing em back to base. I think the permanent progression will be that if you bring back goods to your dimensional gateway, you can permanently keep them in your base. The temporary progression will be you building a really HUGE fleet that could be destroyed. I’ll have no PVP on the horizon rim of the Prime Dimension, but not many rewards, PVE is aimed to be skewed towards carebare “I don’t want to be attacked” PVP. You have to declare attacking each other, except in contested sectors…. In fact harassing PVPers might even go to jail. Okay, waxing too much where I want to go.
To rehash:
- Life’s fricken brutal in such a way I’ve never heard anyone I know go through this, not even in the Bible, not even in history. People have gone through more torturous things, people have had worse health conditions… But the number of quite trivial things that become major issues on a daily basis, nah, never heard anyone go through this… And the number of catastrophes to get me in this position remind me of the Book of Job.
- Character Creation in.
- Gonna make a super minimal zone mining iron by shooting asteroids.
- Then I’ll plan to try and update several times a week til game gets funner and funner my Fun Soul Brothers and Soul Sistas.