In Starfighter General, you cannot turn off Autocorrect in chat.
Luckily Autocorrect hardly ever works.
Unluckily it is controlled by a malicious AI to embarrass you maximally.
This AI is controlled by live Game Masters. They pick and choose to change a word in what you say to make funny things being said.
In game players with advanced computing skill can tell when something has been autocorrected.
In game players with advanced computing skill can tell what it used to be.
So you’ll be able to tell what was said if enough people collaborate, or other people can make up lies about things not autocorrected. It’s not just funny, you can make a truth network of who knows stuff and who doesn’t.
I’m still having technical difficulties due to this new CEO of UNITY messing up and wanting things flashy.
THE EA CEO made the mistake of disabling core functionality which forced us to use experimental packages which they tell you are not always functional… So consciously this EA CEO is forcing us to use things that crash all the time. I love UNITY. It is far more advanced than Unreal for advanced coders… Its just stability should be #1. The EA CEO in charge of UNITY makes comments that sound like he is addicted to hookers and cocaine with things he says and sexual harassment allegations. It’s bad when your software’s CEO is a extremely likely literal crack head… But you know how it is, a great ship can be made less by a bad captain and still be better than a good ship. UNITY is better than anything out there… for now… Lets see how much more damage this guy does.
Until I get over the technical difficulty of UNITY bugs, I’ll make smaller updates. My next update aims to put a chat box in. Then the update after that a Galactic News Network ticker tape.