Hello, they 100% need to fire this UNITY CEO. I ran into another Unity Addressables bug which I fixed, then a random bug in Unity that hasn’t been fixed in a year. I think I’ll get through em, but this CEO they have on UNITY is failing hard. He’s of Electronic’s Art failed philosophy of pushing glitz at the sacrifice of stability and quality… Its starting to eat away at UNITY’s core stability, but if they get a new CEO soon, it can be fixed up easy.
Once I get past these UNITY bugs, I’ll have it so you can shoot Asteroids and collect iron for the next update where you can sell iron!
PreNoon Diary for 7/20/22:
Ate/cleaned house a teeny bit(needs total renovation)/played league of legends/wrote an api scraper for the top flex players to assemble a flex team since RIOT’s matchmaking is rigged and you need 5 players on your team or they’ll lose on purpose/chillin… If you League of Legends and flex 5, you can get friends in here: https://www.videogamemonastery.com/flex5/sum22.txt Its important if you need a 5th) I api scraped flex players and filtered by win rates and play rates. Pretty awesome, I write random software just as I go.