As the dimensions coalesce, entire realities, civilizations and God knows what are being destroyed in the merge. Jettisoning out from them are fragments to mine, collect, inspect and maybe be concerned inwardly… For as any reality is out there, anything from reality could be taking over the Prime Dimension even though its reality was destroyed… The sheer fear of the unknown has everyone wanting to control the Prime Dimension, what abyssal horrors of hell could be here, what twisted minds of aliens or AI beyond our imagination, or pure spirit beings… The idea of all of reality of other dimensions being controlled by this Prime dimension has even peaceful civilizations scurrying to assemble battle fleets to vie for control of this dimension. Everyone thinks war may be needed for peace in all universes, and because everything thinks war is needed, war now, at least people think. Those who seek humble existences and just friends and family are disturbed by this new found central Prime Dimension in which control of all alternative realities is possible. Those who seek control welcome it… for now.
Patch should be out soon, today or next few days.