Got a new dev Wilbert Sweet. He makes awesome models and knows how to present effect of SFX that grip you. He’s a perfect addition. He’s world class and knows I’m world class, so this is great. Nice guy it seems too. Friendships are more important than money any day.
One of my old devs is taking a break and dropped me the Chat window tech before vacation: Steve Reynolds is a really really really awesome dude, nice and friendly and works like a truck!
I like it, our missle flow will start like this. Here’s our battle escalation. We start with plasma bolts.But then you can siege bases with bombers who have to fly in a straight line for X seconds to fire a long range shot of course if interceptors are out they get the bombers.That’s #1 level.Make sense? The best fortress in the game can be bombed to nothing without interceptors.And bombers generally lose vs interceptors 1v1.So if you send a t1 bomber vs a t1 agile or assault or ram or shield ship, t1 bomber loses unless pilot good.The idea is to start, you need to get AIR-SPAce.I’d call it space space but makes no sense .space dominance to bomb
what about battleships? either with ai controled turrets, or point in a direction, and your turrets slowly move to meet the cursor,
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Battleships are SLOW and cumbersome t1. They help affect the battle.But are dodgeable.Here’s the list of em. Ships | Starfighter General .These are all designed for Game Mechanic effect.They’re not just stats on a nice graphic, I’m a top dawg at game mechanics like you are at graphics.T1 Capital ships are there to make the battle tricky for interceptors and maybe siege a bit, but are very very very costly to assemble.And when stuff gets destroyed in the Prime Dimension , it is destroyed for good, but everyone can pick up the scrap and try and remake it to some degree. So you don’t always want to bring your big investment around. Okay, so you see bomber vs fortress, vs space control.Now the first missiles will lock on or fire straight. An we’ll have aggressively good ECM
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where if you press a button JUST before it hits you, you eject a large chunk of synthetic polymer at itf course you’re limitedYou sentor if you have an advanced shieldYou sentYou can actually eject your shield towards the missile and your shield systems regenerate it.Why I choose this system is that in previous space games I played, you’d see 20v20 battles and one side would fire a zillion homing missiles, GAME OVER! Since the ecm targetted the missile individually.We are using a more AOE ECM so if they spam a bunch of missiles at once, you counter em all at once.Missiles won’t be added for few, but we want em balanced, maybe even to the point of evasive dodging.After that core balance in, I want robotech missles which deal less damage, but hit more often and to more clustered aoe targets, like discouraging PHALANX formations.I’m gonna post our convo to the website, since it will be good for readers to know.
hmm.. first things first. im gonna make some proper ships for you. Wilbert
sounds good
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Yup, and if you can make consoles.Like look down and see a display IE like the video you sent
you meen UI?
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We have UI.Just no cocpits
ohh you want that cockpit view for the fighters?
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3d cocpits we could slap ui onto the model would be cool
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Yah, we have 72 different fighter models playable now in game.You don’t need that many cockpits maybe just one for agile/assault/shield/ram/bomber