You might be thinking Creative AI in the future is making the Galactic News Network as scifi. Sorry to disappoint you, but Creative AI TODAY is helping us make the Galactic News Network!
There is a thing known as Dall-E which takes writing prompts you type in and gives you graphics. We were using it figuring we could make graphical presentation when the GNN ticker tape rolls across the bottom of the screen. And that worked phenomenally. Some of the things in graphics gave us new ideas for Starfighter General itself, modern AI had glimpses of being creative?
Then a random idea happened: What if we piped in a random sentence maker into Dall-E? It would give us random images we could look at and have our creativity sparked. At first I thought of getting all words in the dictionary, sorting em by noun, adverb, adjective, verb, etc.. Then I realized we could just word salad into it… Then I figured I’d bias my video game, so the plan became to push all my design documents in.
The algorithm we used is simple: Copy all my web page, all my design documents, parse em, filter out nonsense, and then make sentences 2-6 words long, which we can then write out to a .txt file in a format that a macro script can pipe it into DALLE. It took less than 3 hours and is phenomenal. It is everything we hoped for, and already got us creative new ideas like Monoliths and stuff. Watch the full video here:
Example of AI generated GNN ticker tape coming in two patches:
PSA: Harvesting power from Electric Eels is illegal universe wide. It’s the only thing we can agree on! Come on! Be humane, and we don’t want the Electric Eels rising up against us.
It says that on ticker tape and gives one image