So check it, first off, excuse why the patch took so long. I want to be belting these out 2-4 a week, 1 minimum.
My aunt’s cancer took a turn for the worse, she’s sick having issues walking so I strived hard to make battlemon, an ARPG game designed 9 years before the popular ARPG in parks one done by a major video game franchise. Mine allowed you not just to collect battlemon, but to have actual custom quests in each and every park I write one. They’re like an outdoor escape room, or like a dungeon crawl RPG in each park… Let me explain further…
So when I was like 5 about 40ish years ago, my cousin and I loooved Atari2600 games. Most of my fam did the “Wrap em in gift wrap” for birthdays and Christmas… This looming box was enough to jazz my cousin and I. We saw the box. Nothing else was shaped like an Atari2600 box. So when Christmas was like 3 weeks away, we knew we were getting Atari2600 games, how many, but which one!?! This looming knowledge of an incoming video game made us really appreciate the holidays, when we were born and the birth of God on Earth. We also were able to judge the passing of time as fleeting since Christmas came around pretty fast amazingly enough… Which is even more reason to be good with God, since the only thing that really matters on Earth is humanity loving one another. With all the hate and greed in the world with wars, gang violence, fear being pushed, etc ,I wish people would just chill out and be kind to their fellow bros and soul sistas. Life ain’t what you get, it is what you give.
Anyway, a wrapped up Atari2600 game where it was at! It would jazz us for weeks. However Aunt Linda did one better. Instead of just giving us a gift she’d give us a note which would lead us to a clue. “Look behind your Uncle’s portrait.” There would be another note to another clue,”Inside the dryer is a clue.” And there would be a clue inside the dryer. Eventually we’d be led to the present! It wasn’t always an Atari2600 game, but they knew us as really huge gamers trying to practice to go pro. They knew we played Atari2600 more than anyone around just so we could practice. They knew Atari2600 games were boring, so having more selection helped us not be bored! It was glorious and we were right, pro gaming and video games were the future! I’m so happy for my family’s support, America’s prosperity in the 80s, and God having me born in that era. I know so much about the foundation of video games being there at the very start and I wish to share my museum historian level knowledge on video game with the world.
Well I wanted to get a quest in a park to honor her before things get really bad, so I pushed forward. She thanked me, and now we move forward more on Starfighter General. Also I have fun things to do in parks now!
Starfighter Status:
1) Basic Chat box in
2) Fighting with UNITY to get addressables in, you should be able to harvest asteroids for iron, you cannot at this juncture.
3) Next patch will be exciting, Galactic News Network ticker with funny comments like:
GNN: Drone Strike on Jupiter’s Moon IO! Drones are demanding equal pay to humans.
GNN: I.R.Stupid is still at large.This criminal genius stole Pear Corp’s Prototype Warp Tecnology and formatted the hard drives and installed video games.
GNN: PearCore Corp; Warp Researchers are unable to get much research done.They’re busy being addicted to the video games that I.R. Stupid installed. I.R. Stupid is too smart for us.
GNN: Remember, androids are people too. Don’t hurt their feelings.
GNN: Remember, cyborgs are only a fraction of a person, they’re part cold dead machine parts.
It’s a dystopic future punk with lots of laughs, yet serious grudge matches vs criminals and exploration and discovery of anomalies… Nothing quite like this that you ever saw… Everyone I showed this RPG said it was the BEST RPG OF ALL TIME, just getting around to publishing it. Pray for me and this game.
,Crazyjim known as a modern renaissance developer with 150,000 hours experience, bucking the trend of video games for profit and establishing the case of video games for art and fun firstly.