Revolutionary is a term too overused. Feel like a Renaissance artist. Must have tool to stay competitive.
This is not just revolutionary…
This is not just fun…
This is freaking awesome! And anyone who wants to learn Unity can use it!
It makes particle effects better than on the UNITY ASSET Store often! And it takes no up front training!
Anyone can make special effects, even 3 year olds and elderly grandmothers. I had someone never use unity before and he was doing great in minutes! Even young kids could get educated on particle effects and UNITY with this!
I’m a modern starving artist, literally, getting over malnutrition issues after catastrophe after catastrophe since my Gran died. Right now I can’t get water at my place. People drop Electronic Arts 60$ at a time knowing they’ll be scammed, but I’m true and for the soul of the game, know if you help me out, you’ll get better games sooner, and maybe more cool apps like this. So consider dropping me a couple bucks oppon donation style:
Look, free, hyped, and a guarantee of your money back if you don’t like(you paid free). Expect to be awestruck:
Requires Unity to Run and Have Fun