We’ve all been there, a vending machine takes our change, so we fight the machine… But a machine has nothing to lose, and we can lose more than our change. PSA: Really don’t rock vending machines in real life, they kill people each year.
In Intergalactic Bounty Hunter, one of the first missions has a dark alley way of vending machines, and they becon you in. Before you know it, they close the escape and beat you up. You wake near naked with your inventory stolen. If you go back to the dark alley, you see the vending machines have your stuff inside them for sale. Role Playing Game moment: What do you do?
Starfighter General is based on the unpublished masterpiece Intergalactic Bounty Hunter (IGBH) the RPG play tested for over 10,000 hours, near universally regarded as the best pencil and paper RPG anyone ever played. I’m not making this up. I’ve never had a way to monetize selling a Pencil and Paper RPG, and I’m struggling still to put food on the table after a series of quite unbelievable catastrophes. Hey, it’s actually cool being known as a literal starving artist tho, it has street cred and people think it’s cool… Cuz it is… If you don’t have much help, and you’re livin on a prayer, then hey, you’re already there. You already won if you have faith that love has power… Don’t hate, not even electronics, for if the Vending Machines don’t get you, the Vending Machine Sympathizers might!
Would you like to know more? https://www.starfightergeneral.com/2022/04/people-for-ethical-treatment-of-electronics/