When the Galactic News Network does its dystopian ticker, you get a randomized image of that GNN!
IE: Rich and well loved Aristocrat Albrecht Mackinley the 99th purchased some no name agricultural planet and made something of it by turning the entire planet into a rental storage unit shop.
Then it would randly pick one the following images to show:

IE2: Tonight on House of Scary network ‘It’d Be Bad to be a Wereslug’. Watch a man with everything, style, class, a family, throw it all away when he discovers he’s a Wereslug. He turns to Margaritas then searches for his lost shaker of salt.

PS: Sorry for no updates for 2 days. I literally ran entirely out of money/food/water so I had to hustle just to survive and didn’t get any time to be behind computer. Starving Artist achievement unlocked: Two bank accounts each with only 1 penny and less than 10 cents in change in my wallet! I’m okay now, friends, fam n at bailed me out.