Turns out… I don’t just have the best multiplayer code on Earth that supports infinite players in the same zone, But also Unity3d is looking to buy the best multiplayer code they can find.

This multiplayer code is beyond awesome. It has basic security standard to everyone’s knowledge, ways of just watching the video to see what changed in the game for security game masters to root out who hacked what, and player policing, so the security has worked in many games, nothing new here. It doesn’t just do infinite players same zone, it also is cross platform Steam/Android/Iphone/ipad/Mac/Linux/Windows/Xbox/PSx/Nintendo/potatoes….

It’s funny… I’m probably gonna get bought out like no other because I have two MAJOR IN DEMAND multiplayer TECHS by Two major players: Steam/Valve who approached cross play with Android/Iphone/Steam with Steamdeck after Apple/Android denied em a deal…. Why didn’t steam just set up their own cross platform unifier like I did? Steam, you can buy me out, people can link their android/iphone with their steam account with my server. So when they’re on the bus, they access their steam account. I have possible right now.

So Steam/Valve would want to buy me some techs of mine.
But Unity is DYING to get out of the box MMO/RTS/FPS/action code, and I’ve had it sitting around since 2004. I tried selling it to ‘a gory 2d fighter company’ and their hiring manager called me an insulting names on the phone explaining how the roll back code in every fighter was IMPOSSIBLE. Lets ignore the unprofessionalism of Midway at this point, just focus on I independently discovered/researched rollback code… And know the MMO code has research techs are way way better than that!

So since I’m in demand and the reason people aren’t beating on my door with giant bats made of dollar bills is that they’re in disbelief, time to execute to that point ASAP.
Guys, gals, Three patches coming.
Tomorrow/Tonight: GNN ticker gets graphics and some more news items
A few days: Buy sell at stations.
2 weeks after that (or less I hope): FULL Basic MMORPG functionality in. OH YEAH It’s ON BABY!

PS, sorry no updates last week, I have 2 bank accounts and a total of 1 cent in each of them, I ran out of food and my place had no water + my car would not start. So I had to get family to pick me up and help em out with odd jobs while they fed me and got me some water. I have a gamer friend who knows me as the Greatest Video Gamer of All time, 150,000 hours gaming/coding/design who believes in me and dropped me a few bucks to keep going on! Reminds me of that Will Smith movie where the homeless guy finally gets a chance, that’s my life… And it’s weird since I’ve excelled at Computer Programming with a CS degree from Carnegie Mellon started coding at 3…. Why would a guy like me never get a chance? Why would when I do make games on my own Big Tech takes my work and doesn’t pay royalties. I’m not broke by choice. I’m actually one of the world’s greatest talents in game develop, I think it may be due to discrimination against me believing in the God of Love which Big Tech culture is against…

Either way, we’re gonna make it! In my mid 40s, student loans, barely any change to scrape by, no running water, no kickstarter, no crowdsource, and one or more of the following three things happens soon:
1) Steam/Valve buys my server tech that connects Steam accounts to Android/Iphone accounts like they wanted.
2) Unity buys my secure multiplayer code, the best multiplayer code on Earth.
3) We just start playing a really fun MMORPG.

Take care guys, it’s about to be awesome, founders medallions are no longer going to be for sale soon once we start taking in revenue and will never be able to bought ever again, though you can sell/trade them… Some trading cards are now going for over 10,000$… Now imagine a token which helps your chances of being in live role play which can get you in the movie theatres.