Been word salading Dalle aka piping in random sentence generators.
Somehow this came out which looks like a ballin album cover:

Anyone printing these things out and using em as home art yet?
If you want a word salad generator, I can sell the app for 20$ and you’ll get 7000 randomized images a day.
A Word salad works like this:
You have a format file, and type in some lines of sentences and or syntax.
The java program parses them randomly and pipes to a macro program that inputs them.
The syntax can be $noun $adverb $adjective etc and it grabs from one of those files to put a random word in.
You can even make your own files. I have one called $desdoc where it is my design document of my game.
Format ends uplooking like stuff like this
“mega antimatter star” fantasy cyberpunk ultralight chrome dystopia timbale impression bleakly FOG dystopia “muon star” gehenna glow black light trippy “electron star” “neutron star” comet vast
“mega quantum star” fantasy cyberpunk ultralight chrome dystopia timbale impression bleakly FOG dystopia comet “antimatter star” “binary stars”
“mega neutron star” fantasy cyberpunk ultralight chrome dystopia impression bleakly FOG dystopia
FORMAT EXAMPLE 2 Drawing from syntax variables
$color “$noun made of $desdoc” comet moon
$color “$noun made of $adjective” $adjective $adverb noun cyberpunk
$color “$noun made of $noun” $adverb $adjective cyberpunk stars
$color “$noun made of $adverb” $adjective cyberpunk comet
$color “$noun made of $gems” many stars cyberpunk
The $draws a random variable from those files. You can make up your own files. Be warned it takes a 1920×1080 computer with default firefox and uses a macro so when you gather files, you can’t use that computer so its good for sleeping or when you’re out of the house or if you have many computers. It generates about 7000 images a day. I’ll let the whole package go for 20$. It’s written in a custom macro program I wrote for selling MMORPG automaters back in 2002 before Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot was the first to use microtransactions and ruin the market. PM if you’re interested.