Finally all techs have been secured to get to a place where Starfighter General will be fun, and get funner and funner rapidly never looking back. Let me explain:
- Absurdity Trail aka Random Events aka Orgeon Trail style random events is in. This means as time passes and you travel, you get random events. Random events can be people trading, your quest advancing, enemies to fight, anomalies to study, allegiances to form, worm holes to distant galaxies. In short, all things in Starfighter General that are pretty cool will be happening as you lead your mining/crafting/fighting/piracy/admirable general/cartel running/whatever career. These random events happen more often if you cover more space. If you go to places in space you haven’t been before, it helps improve your loot tables. Camping one area of a galaxy to be hundreds of billions of star sectors large is boring anyway.
- Between Random Events and a Randomly Generated universe… I merely have to keep filling in the tables and the game gets better and better and better. I don’t have to hand script 500 billion galaxies…

I’m a fan of Star Trek. I see the first generation and the next generation first seasons being the best. The problem is that in TNG they wanted to cannonize and make sure all the aliens and such stuck with their lore and everything was known… This was the opposite of the original intention of “We don’t know what is out there.” And as they put the frame and limits on the universe, it got boring towards the end with Jordi and Data always calibrating computers to stop an anomaly. I saw the idea of limitations on what is possible as a weakness, and this is why in Starfighter General, anything is possible, from any imaginable realm or dimension, except the realm of the copyrighted, for that is a forbidden realm, unseen except through veiled sight of those who would get a private council with the alien people known as ‘the lawyers’ from which you may not speak of again. Heh. Long story short, random universe, random events = A BOAT LOAD OF FUN!

And I want this in asap.. I’d hesitate to say in one day it will be a fun patch, but we’re about that close. Once a few fun random events are on the table. I just keep adding em and making some rare in the far recesses of the galaxy. WOOO! We’re ready to supernova the fun. You’ll have so much fun in the pulpy action, strange/weird goings, funny humor that you will often forget about your experience/leveling/currency/equipment/skill/crafting/mutant power/Role Play Point climbs.