#1 Gamer of All Time, offering League of Legends coaching.

My proof of credentials, top 10 players feared playing me in every video game I played: https://crystalfighter.com/a.html

I have a history of taking literal trash elo players and making them top 200 world players in other games. Want to be a world champion? You go through me at least once since I will tell you things you will not get from standard coaching.

I offer coaching, PM me the rate you want to offer. Been #1 world every video game I ever played, many say I’m the GOAT of all video gamers who ever lived.

I literally changed meta in Warcraft3 when I wrote articles and everyone remarked of this power.

I changed meta in LOL also with dragon articles that got like 2000 upvotes: Here is why you show at dragon 40 sec b4 spawn: https://bit.ly/3ynrXpu & 3,000+ people agree dragon soul play: https://bit.ly/3zq2spa

I made all the original 3 main senna pro builds. I quite literally can read patch notes and tell you who will be op, often guessing exact win rate % they’ll end up with. Get coached by a legend, PM me, will consider any rate.

As for my Lol specific skill: I was diamond when I sucked, then got I targetted by a crew of political oppressors (apparently people are still afraid of me today, but because of politics) who lose on purpose everyone of my games on purpose… I am unable to get fair games, since 100% of the time, my team loses on purpose while I face diamond hackers who get fed by my team. My games are literally harder than LCS worlds every game since between 2-4 of my team is losing on purpose… Enemy teams only int like one in 200 games or so, its so rare, it is like it never happens… Only my side is the one losing and giving up dragon bingos nearly 100% of time. It’s nice getting perfect micro vs auto attacks, auto dodges, but I don’t get a chance to expose myself to high level challenger micro meta which would be nice. It’s been 4 years of relentless games totalling over 7000 now.

I’ve played over 10,000 games of LOL, known as the GOAT of video gamers, was diamond when I sucked, and I’ll teach you how to make your own builds! Since I read patch notes and come from an era where we thought for ourselves and didn’t rely on the hive mind, I can make builds better than you find online, I can help you play champs in ways they weren’t meant to be played like Vanadril, and coming at things off meta, means they have to adapt to you, so you remove thought processes, and win.

You literally cannot be coached by a better video gamer in general. You might find better LOL players specifically since I only started S8. But they begged me for builds on all the league forums, begged me, I’m the build maker as you see above with my dragon posts… I know stuff before everyone else knows it, made a few korean builds.


I’m widely regarded as the #1 video gamer of all time of people who know me like ex pros such as Kain~the~Feared, Crazy~Assassin, XDs’Grr(didn’t believe anyone could be as good as me so he thought I cheated, lol. No, but I told him to his face he was #2 in the world, and I was right because I didn’t go to Korea thinking my invite was a spam email) and more: https://crystalfighter.com/achieve/starcraft/achieve.html

Further Credentials:

First game I started at a mature player base. Tom Cadwell(aka Zileas, whom Zilean was named after). He personally gave me a LOL beta copy himself, but only gave me Singed for he wanted only pros running his pet design. I didn’t like a game where everyone shot me and I couldn’t shoot back, so I quit and only came to find out later you have a pro scene and since I missed tourneys, I’d come swing by.

Todd Cadwell even used my cybersecurity algorithm I emailed Blizzard known as Player based policing which later became Player Tribunal as he took it to RIOT. I was so sick of win traders in Starcraft99 and hackers, it was a way to deal with em

Trained like an olympian since 1980 to be a pro gamer. I only played two major tourneys: 1989 world Nintendo Championship and 1999 Broodwar championship. I was told had the top non turtle tip score in 1989 by hearsay. Anyone know where to find 1989 Nintendo world champion results? I can’t find em online. And 1999 BW, guy had spies find my build order without me knowing, cheating like NFL’s Patriotgate.

In LOL: I win most games vs masters levels na flex teams and we have two hard stuck silvers on our team.

Last I checked I was top 20 Fiddlesticks mastery also.

Senna Probuilds I invented:

  1. Senna Pro build: A guy discovered that I posted the Pro undying grasp mallet build here: old.reddit .com/r/sennamains/comments/e8otyl/grasp_of_the_undyingultimate_hunter_senna_any/fsp814u/

2) Senna Pro build: I shifted the entire meta to rageblade/crack kiten with this video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfM6SEd99w4 Pros literally were using everything else til this date of my youtube with 1000+ views, and then shifted. You can do some searching online for dates and see this is correct:





All these before my video did not do rage blade/krack kitten slayer.

3) First user to make Locket of Iron Solari a Senna item months before nerf.

Here’s my proof of #1 in the world at Starcraft/War3/D2HC/C&C3/SC2 2v2 : www.crystalfighter.com/a.html

3) Shurelia Fiddlesticks first. The dumb pro teams ran it even after it was nerfed showing their coaches/managers don’t know how to read patch notes.

4) Invented Kathus Spelltheif top and it became a thing in Korea around then.

5) Argued vs Hive mind that HOB trist was better than PTA when PTA was the big thing,now people HOB

I’m one of the greatest talent scouts of all time too. Thats how I got KaintheFeared and Crazyassassin on my War3 team and we went 200-0. I Crazyassassin when Warcraft3 had no ladder, I can just see talent.

Again, offer me anything to coach. This is your chance to get coached by one of the famous pro gamers of 1998-2004, less people remember me, but I still have all my skills and reflexes at a high rate. My macro is INSANE, like not of this world level. I can teach you to win even if your micro and cs sucks and not going to get good in the forseeable next few years. In Starcraft, I coached a guy who was effectively Bronze VI and someone told me he was a German National Champion that I couldn’t confirm, but I believe it to be true since he was top 20 world Zerg in just a few months. I can coach you and lay the foundations to be a LOL world champion. And for those who already know how to play, I’m sooooo off meta, so full of random military knowledge, I’ll fill your brain with things most all League of Legends players never think of and make you extra deadly. It was Bruce Lee who would kick overconfident boxers in the shins to force them to his meta and once they accepted to change their style to match Bruce’s, they already lost.

This is for real! Blizzard Entertainment shouted me out on their MAIN WEB SITE! It’s verifiable in history sites: https://crystalfighter.com/a.html I’ve been #1 world Starcraft&Broodwar all races, Diablo2 HC 3 dif characters most exp, #1 world Warcraft3 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4 200-0 in 3v3, first to 1500 wins, played as Random, top 50 C&C, top 50 SC2 2v2 and could have had #1 in those games too but they were not good games imo that deserved it. Want coached? I have a history of making low skill players into world contenders in other games. Email starfightergeneral[at]gmail.com 20$ an hour or send an offer. You could get on my play crew.

Love’s the way. Love is Eternal.


Play Now!

Patreon: Become a Patron!

Paypal: james_sager_pa@yahoo.com

Venmo: @James-Sager-16

Other games and gaming related information, click pictures if you’d like to know more:

Throne and Crown, a Zeldalike
Triangle Mania, a unique puzzle game with strange strategies.

Battlemon, GPS pet collection game

#1 IN THE WORLD at Starcraft/Broodwar/Warcraft3/Diablo2 Hardcore/Command and Conquer3/Starcraft2 2v2. GOAT.
Before Pinky and The Brain, The Parapalegic Mice Team existed, and I told everyone in my school for weeks in hopes someone knew someone at WB/Disney/HB to make a tv show of two mice taking over the world. Next Year Pinky and The Brain was out.

1) 10-1000x things rendered with new DOTS/ECS UNITY tech that unlocks more than just one core that most video games use: Parallel Processing done right.

2) Networking that pushes the envelope where no networking has gone before. People laugh at this like it is impossible to innovate, but I marketed it to Midway in 2003, and they laughed too. Meanwhile it was working in house as a Tekken style(3d fighter) MMO with part of what today is known as rollback code. Midway’s manager was mocking what is today’s standard thinking rollback and such was impossible. Infinite action players same zone, limit only by video card and other hardware, networking ain’t a limiting thing anymore.

3) Lore/Game Mechanics based on a custom TTRPG (Intergalactic Bounty Hunter) that most everyone liked more than any RPG. RPG rules are based on Wasteland from the Commodore 64 set in space. The space flight is the spiritual successor of 90s DOS Xwing vs Tiefighter hits that everyone was disappointed ended. I had to make my own RPG, Dungeons and Dragons armor not reducing damage did not sit well.

4) First MMO designed for late game. Everyone enjoys mmos until power capped and then get bored.
There is no power cap to begin with(just a log log logarithmic progression), but there are many many many other end game design elements to make it so want to keep playing end game! The grind is there, but better and more fun things are around too! You can build up a super big fleet and it get destroyed to pieces and you start over again. You have a power floor level that you can’t go below so you’re always building permanent power, but temporary spikes of power surges and galactic dominance for fleeting moments give a rush. The larger the fleet, the larger the fleeting moment.

5) Easter Eggs: Will contain literal Easter Eggs. You find an Easter Egg in a quest. Then you hide somewhere in space. Every day it isn’t found by another player, you get a daily reward that increases. When they find it, they get an instant reward! Then the egg comes back to you. Enjoy. Go find some place obscure in the game, space is big.

6) Space Dungeons: Competitive zones with different rules, find em, dominate em, and can you find the clues around space to find the one which will be dropping special event rewards?

7) Resource Trading like Elite, but also factory building like Factorio and Satisfactory. Your economy and drones can build stuff up, but make sure no pirate, NPC or player tries to sabotage your supply chain. There will be illegal substances like fictitious drugs and contraband weapons which you can profit from greatly, but you risk your cargo being scanned by a random and getting a bounty on your head.

8) PVP bounty system. Everyone can PVP at all times. Stakes are low if your ship explodes. If you get attacked without declaring aggressive mode or an opponent to duel, the aggressor gets a bounty on their head in accordance with the damage dealt to you. If this bounty gets high enough, and they get caught, they will be put in jail. When they log on for the next few hours or days, their character can play only in jail, and visitors come see him and such. Enjoy roleplaying being a prison inmate, or just use a different crew member on your account. Developing many crew members is a thing for when you fly capital ships.

9) Grand Space Opera-> 4x emperors around you trying to conquer the galaxy like Master of Orion on a 500 billionish system scale! They ain’t even players at first, just NPCs waging war. Who’s side will you choose? Will it be based on morality or space bucks? Ok soldier of fortune, what it will be? Do it for the money, until you realize money doesn’t mean anything living under a totalitarian empire.

10) Omnipotent roleplay: Earn your right into a a movie anime by great roleplay! Live game masters in about 6-12 months after the content updates roll through. We bias people with Founder’s RP tokens some and good manner role players who stay in character(we have chat logs and even game logs). This promotes good role play even when not live GMing. Who doesn’t want to bring their friends to a movie and surprise em with their own character in it? So stay in character for a better game! https://www.starfightergeneral.com/live-role-play/

Punky-Pulpy action, Levels, stats, skills, talents, items, fleet amassing, and great apocalyptic space plots, trippy Lewis Carrol level Mad Hatter humor along the way. It’s really weird to see how this synergizes from a game design standpoint. Players naturally want to level up and power up… That’s the twink min maxer in all of us. So when humor, plots, intrigue, or NPCs getting your blood boiling to action vs them happens, you get stoked, rewarded, happy and tossed off your axis. Then when resolved, you look back and get serious about powering up. The core of a RPG gamer is always powering up, it is something we can’t get rid of, but the core of a game designer is to get you out of a spreadsheet mindset temporarily… And then you appreciate both more. So tacky humor, along serious pulp action and serious leveling up game mechanics… It is like a symphony of fun.

Game made by a soul gamer out for the player’s best interest. 150,000 hours experience #1 in many online ladders world. I don’t care about money. I just want to play games and help the poor and sick. I want you to have faith in the spirit of love.

Are you down? Cuz I need help, like crowd source and pray for me to get this out faster. If you don’t help me, it’s still coming out.


Get and Play Starfighter General for Free (type of morally good free that doesn’t exploit or abuse players and gives all the content available).



