TL:DR Skip boring tech, tell me what type of game mode you would want in a 10,000 real players, star fighter skirmish? Highlander style? Team? Protect the King? MOBA? FFA like the old Quake days?
Long boring tech, trust me it works, I had a Tekken meets WOW style engine working back in 2005 with friends, but the router config was insane and I figured the public couldn’t handle it to finish adding content to it, but modern day routers can handle this:
I’ve invented tons of world firsts so don’t be surprised this time that I have a more interesting tech that decentralizes the server so instead of being limited to (O) n2 bandwith, my algorithm using P2P is not limited to n2 starting at n per player, but with optimizations we’re (O) log (n) per player.
Old servers that had 10 players would need 10*10 players bandwith out or 100; 100 players? 100 * 100 or 10,000 1000 players? 1000 * 1000 or 1,000,000
See that’s why every conventional shooter Modern Warfare, Battlefield, PubG, Fortnite, whatever, they cap at about what around 200 players?
Now (O) log(n) in Starfighter General is log n per player. Log N is a fancy way of saying a curve that’s less than N, aka like .5 for simplifying * players. (This is ghetto math since most don’t get it 10 players? Each player transmits 10 * .5 or 5 players worth of data each..
It’s a peer mesh with server for basic integrity checking/anti cheat/counter hacking. Plenty of games run peer to peer, even ones they say they ain’t! They found they can ban hackers just by streaming all peer packets home and evaluating the game like replay. The pendulum secretly shifted to the power of peer to peer with basic security without most noticing and many games use it. I wouldn’t openly acknowledge I use it if Stem didn’t require you to check the peer to peer box, and rally people to beat a world record.
So 10,000 Dos xwing vs tiefighters in the same area… How would you set up the combat to not just be an insane FFA mess of explosions? Cuz we settle on something fun, I’ll put it in that week, and we can run that mode when we get enough players on the server at once… It should be easy to beat 10,000 players in one zone… And I know DOTS/ECS I’m running can handle 100,000 starfighters in one zone at 60 FPS…. But to do a million or ten million would be hard on video cards/optimization THOUGH the networking would not be the bottleneck.
So 10,000 Dos xwing vs tiefighters in the same area…
What game mode would you like to break the World Record of most players in the same combat zone with?