The dimensional portal is waxing, but the focus is not on the Prime Dimension yet. Billions of somewhat disconnected dimensions are coalescing towards the Prime. You can encounter phantom players intractable with strange phenomena and unpredictability. Enemies you encounter may not be seen in their dimension, and enemies in your dimension may be fighting against them without you knowing. Oddities and absurdities abound in the first release of Starfighter General. No one is certain what is going on in the flux that is the dimensional disalignment, but the progress is steady, marching steady, unstoppably towards a singular Prime Dimension.
The desire to acquire goods, power, resources and alliances is at an all time high now for this will set the stage for global peace, war, domination, uneasy rest or standoffs… He who controls the Prime Dimension controls all other dimensions, time, space and maybe even can explore realms outside the universe. Could mortal men peer into Heaven, Hell, and all the Salvador Dali absurdities in between? Would they remain mortal? This ultimate power cannot be conceded to anyone. It can not be trusted to anyone, or any group… especially considering every perceivable reality by which the Prime Dimension can reach can be reached by them. The emphasis for haste to control cannot be overstated, things beyond your worst night mares and best hopes and dreams are warring for control of all reality historically, rehistorically, prehistorically, and posthistorically. Will things ever be the same as they will be? Can things remain normal… Or will you find out that maybe in the depths of all possible realities, you’re not normal after all, or is normal just what people who have control are? Of things perceived and things fascinated, ones own reality when threatened by all other realities throws caution to the wind for there is no safety. Security is an illusion, even more so when the unknown threat is all threats you can imagine and beyond. The only way forward is to run and maybe gun from the hip with your best choices you can as things unknown unfold like unmet flowers of anomalies in the gardens of nebulae near and far.